Golden Lake

Golden Lake

Lovely colours Carole, beautifully painted

And playing with fire, lol. creative Carole.

I like this a lot, Carole! Marvellous textures and effects, and I love the palette.......gorgeous colours!

Some lovely colours and textures in this Carole.

It's lovely being adventurous and playing!! and this has worked really well, very seasonal, Carole.

Lovely colours and textures Carole.

Nicely done Carole. I like your semi abstracts.

I do like the way your playing Carole : )

Thank you very much everyone very kind.

Lots of colour, Carole! I really like the raised dimensional effect of the branches in the foreground, especially on the left.


Thanks very much for your kind words,

Very striking

Posted by T H on Sat 30 Sep 14:55:58

Gorgeous textures with flaming yellows! Well played Carole.

Thanks so much Timothy and Satu, very kind.

Love the colours and textures, Carole. A real sunset glow.

Love this Carole.

Only just found these latest ones of yours Carole. They are really good. I am looking forward with interest to see how you progress with them. ( but don't forsake the beautiful floral paintings completely !!

Beautiful colours, love the texture effects.

Merry Christmas Carole beautiful piece

Thanks very much for kind comments! Thanks Dennis, Hope you have a Happy Christmas x

Hang on Studio Wall

Playing with acrylics

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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