Fantasy lilac

Fantasy lilac

Glorious colour Carole, like a fantasy rainbow. The lilac kind of sparkles. Nhoj

Must be great to have fun and also produce something beautiful Carole.

The colours are gorgeous Carole. Such good effects as well.

Fantastic, Carole. Such an abundance of colours! This is a real eye-catcher.

Gosh this is beautiful love the colours so vibrant.

You are all very encouraging thank you for that. I have just bought some Golden acrylic colours, I find acrylic paint difficult to use so I used fluid acrylic (closer to watercolour) I do love the texture gels though.

Lovely, loose and vibrant painting, Carole

WOW.. simply stunning work, Carole!

Very beautiful work, Carole. Watching the thumbnail I thought you had turned to oils.

Thank you pat, Heather and Cesare. No Cesare I struggle with watercolour and acrylics!

Scrumptious Carole! I love those textures. Incidentally do you know what "Nhoj" means that John Inkson puts on a lot of comments? I am curious, or is it a secret code!!

Stunning, Carole. What are texture gels? Or am I being 'thick'?

Nicely done Carole, a real Kalidascope of colour, you can just imagine the Lilac coming out of a colourful perennial border in full bloom in the background, nice one.

Gorgeous Carole. Love the light!!

Thanks again folks much appreciated. Adele it appears to be johN backwards🙄 Ellen they are acrylic textures, you can get an array of these I do not know the use of many of them. Some have little glass beads in them some have pumice like sand. Look at Golden or Liquitex stuff they will inform you better.

Ps forgot to sign out Elorac 😊

Not only another stunning piece but also very informative....thanks Carole....not heard of texture like a child in a sweet chop at the moment much to choose from I don't know to do first!

Elorac....this is sublime! You are using the texture gels to great effect. Anoif

Gorgeous Carole!

Oh wow this is wonderful Carole, I love the colours you have used.

I never realised that Carole - how daft am I?

I didn't either Adele, my daughter was with me looking at the gallery and she spotted it ;)

Great work.

Posted by T H on Thu 04 Aug 22:39:04

Wonderfully relaxing colours. I just want to keep going back to it and see more interesting shapes and colours every time I do. Most enjoyable painting.

Fantastic work, Carole. Lovely to see it.

Thank you very kind, I appreciate it.

Delightful use of colour and free brush strokes.

A very successful experiment Carole, I can almost smell the lilac.

Thanks Gudrun, Linda and Val I appreciate your comments very much.

So vibrant Carole.

Lovely new work, Carole!

Thanks Sarah and Geraldine :)

Absolutely fabulous!

I think you have excelled yourself Carole it.

This is gorgeous Carole - love the colours and texture too. Well done! :-)

Hang on Studio Wall

Having bit of fun with texture gels

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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