Untitled Two

Untitled Two

This work betterly for me Fiona, maybe your lifting the darks has created more problems, created some straight soft edges but I still like it.

I wouldn't worry to much about runbacks in a lively sky. You could attack it with a damp tissue if it bothers you. The ink work is very well done.

Much better Fiona, but...(only joking. Bet your heart sank at the word 'but'). Seriously though, it is better, a fresh, light feel to this one and good colour choice. I daren't say more but will look out for number three as I'm enjoying your challenge!

Having looked at your previous one I think this is much better, the sky is simpler and the right hand bush gives more balance. The large tree is pointing to the top left hand corner of the picture though, which does draw the eye out of the scene. You can get your own back with my new one which is not exactly stunning, my defence is that we were all waiting to start our Xmas meal!

Very good Fiona and much improved , I like it . Really though Fiona you remember the basic principle I'm sure it will stand you in good stead. I use it myself

Liking this, the bush to the right really gives it balance, and love the touches of yellow.

Derek, Stephen, thank you both. A little improved but still not there, which I will have a go at.<br /><br />Louise....DON&#39;T do that!!!!lol Thank you....look out for version three!<br /><br />Stephen the tree will be changed in mumber three. <br /><br />Thanks Ivan! <br /><br />Yes, Dennis, stick to the basics you can&#39;t normally go wrong. I think my problem with this project is, I didn&#39;t keep it simple, your golden rule. Which I will be applying in the next one!lol.<br />

Can&#39;t see that X anymore Fiona and the sky is good and light but still interesting. Can&#39;t wait for no 3 😆

Thanks very much Andre and Carole, especially for sticking with me...lol!

I like it Fiona and the tree does work this time because you&#39;ve balanced it nicely with the heavier shape on the right which keeps the eye in the picture , I love the warmer colours in the foreground they work beautifully against the cool blues .<br />Doing several versions of the one subject is a fantastic way to really understand the subject we are attempting to portray , I usually do two to three of every subject I paint and the best advice I ever got was .... Paint it in your head first , actually visualise each step of the process down to the finish .....<br />It&#39;s amazing how this simple technique can iron out so many problems before committing to paper / canvas :)

Lovely, Merry Christmas Linda

This is pretty darn good -looking forward to the next version.

Hi Fiona! Ok, so you didn&#39;t want the bird, but you DID lighten the sky. Good. However, you have now put a dark, unfriendly bush into the scene, which I think would be better in your warm brown/red . . . or. . . a warm brown leafless bush, but with red berries splattered sparingly on its branches.? ? ? ? ? What do you think folks?

The tree is balanced better but I think I&#39;m with Jennifer regarding the colour of the bush, but not the red berries :) Nonetheless it&#39;s still a pretty damn good painting.

Dermot, Dennis, Linda, Michael, Jennifer, Val....thanks very much for your very helpful comments, I will do a third and change the colour of the shrub...but definitely NO berries Jennifer.....lol!<br /><br />Dermot, after the third attempt I should be able to do it with my eyes closed! Thanks again for your helpful advice.

I don&#39;t feel I am qualified to criticise Fiona, and I won&#39;t. However some of the advice you have been given looks sound to me, and I too am learning from your experience. I like them both. keep up the good work. Merry Christmas.

Hi Fiona - me again! This is a delightful painting with, in my opinion, a much improved sense of depth. I also like the palette. The tree is extremely well depicted and now sits more comfortably in front of the lightened sky. I like the overall effect very much.

Hi Chris, thank you very much for your comment, I will take crit/advice from anyone.....I want to learn and if some one has had a similar experience it can be of value. As you say, you are learning from advice given here. That&#39;s what is so good about this site....as long as you have the shoulder to take criticism. Thank you again and a merry Christmas to you.<br /><br />Hi Lionel, I&#39;m very pleased that you think this one is much improved, I tried to cover all that was suggested. I&#39;m still not completely happy with it and will do another version but I fear it won&#39;t be recognisable as being the same scene!lol

It&#39;s strange you should say that, Fiona, because I was going to add that you have to be careful that you do not finish up with a picture you never intended to paint! But my hyper-critical comments are probably enough already. I&#39;m blaming my meds!

Hi Fiona, great pen work as always, I feel that you do not need to overload your sky so much to get the effect, you have achieved great active sky&#39;s before in a more simplistic manner, maybe that would solve some of the problems for you but that is just me, still like the work as always.

Malcolm, where have you been, I&#39;ve missed your postings. You are right I know, I should learn really by the mistake of trying to put too much into something like this. I&#39;m about to attack another piece of paper to do version three......which will be much simpler. Hopefully!! Thank you for your input Malcolm.

Hi Fiona Not sure if my reply to your comments about (painters block) was sent properly .but I commented that you will soon find inspiration again when your friend comes over friday how about some plein air painting ! and you will soon get inspiration to paint more of your lovely paintings again because all the subject matter is on your doorstep . best wishes David

Thank you for your encouragement David, it will pass eventually I know but it's still frustrating. I think it's because I can't get out to paint when it's wet and miserable, I don't seem to be able to paint from photo's and I try to do many sketches throughout the year for times such as these 'dry' times, as I call them. It's the inspiration I need, my friend I'm sure will kick me into gear...hopefully! Thanks again.

Yes It will soon pass .I also agree about painting from photo's it's very difficult to achieve the correct tones .Its quite exciting to paint outdoors and also nerve racking Like you am looking forward to warmer weather good luck tomorrow. David Harrison

Hang on Studio Wall

16"x12" pen & wash on Jacksons rough. Thanks everyone for your constructive advice on the last version of this. I hope I have addressed some of the issues, however I'm still not satisfied with the outcome, runs, cauliflowers...you name it. So there could even be a version three at some point! As with the last, any crit/advice is most welcome. Thanks again.

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Fiona Phipps

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