Me And My Shadow

Me And My Shadow

Love monoprints, Fiona, the colours and textures in this work well.

Something different Fionna, nice one. Steve

Lovely and original Fiona. Love the unusual blue of the bird.😊👍

Interesting shapes and textures Fiona. Hide Spugs away from him.

Many thanks Jenny, I could have done a much better job really, especially looking at it on the screen here. Steve, thank you, not one of my best prints I have to say. The off-set carbon print turned out much better to be honest. May post that at a later date. Thanks Carole, I tried to replicate the glossy blue of the crows blue/black feathers. Didn’t work how I planned it. Michael, my’re right, Spuggs wouldn’t stand a chance against this fella. He can spot a weak, smaller bird in a jiffy, and it’s lights out I’m afraid. They are clever, I’ve watched him come down to the bird feeder, scare the fledglings and occasionally one flies into the window and is dazed, he’s on it in a flash. Thankfully he doesn’t do it too often. Thank you for your encouraging comment. X

I could not find him at first but it’s all fallen into place now. It’s good when you have to really look at something, it stops you just glancing and not really look if you get my point.

What an original idea, Fiona. Great!

Hang on Studio Wall

17”x11” monoprint on news print paper. I have a wild life camera that I set in situ around the garden to capture images and videos of any visitors to the garden. This is Billy, he’s the head of the ‘funeral directors ‘ that visit the garden, and who was the inspiration for the metal sculpture I made and posted on the gallery a few days ago. This is taken from a still photo as the sun was coming up in the summer and he was in mid stride with the sun behind him. It made me giggle so had to do something with it.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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