Carsegowan Moss Bunding Pools

Carsegowan Moss Bunding Pools

Very good and very informative.

Thanks for the interesting background info Fiona. It’s very clever the way you have painted this to look extremely spooky.

This is different Fiona, almost abstract and very appealing with the linear charcoal marks and the white ( the pools ? ) running down the centre.

Great atmosphere Fiona, another lovely piece. I have to say I do like your charcoal works. Steve

Yes, I agree that it has a spooky, almost 'other worldly' feel. This makes it stand out. I like it.

Fiona in attack mode. Super mark making Fiona.

Very atmospheric, Fiona - I'm another one that likes your charcoals :) interesting info and work - hope not too midgy!

Lovely Fiona, the contrast between soft and hard marks is really effective. (Must be rewarding helping out somewhere like this.)

Very nicely executed Fiona, as Val said, it has an abstract feel to it, I like this one very much.

I like the abstract quality of this Fiona, and the eye is drawn to the light in the central flow of water.

I agree with the above comments, Fiona: rather abstract and also very atmospheric.

Thanks Richard! Many thanks Carole, I wonderful if it’s the colour that gives it a spooky air. At the moment it’s actually quite colourful on the reserve.....the heather is in full colour! Lol Thank you Val, the foreground is quite spikey, it’s a mass of scrub and grass. Thank you very much Steve, appreciated. Many thanks Lewis, I think I have a dark I like spooky! Lol.....can’t help it when I get a stick of charcoal in my hand John.....thanks very much. Margaret thanks very much. It’s been too windy for the little critters....thankfully. It is Jenny, me and nature, heaven! Thank you. Thank you very much Keith! Chandra, thank you for your comment.

Thank you very much for your lovely comment Mia.

This is the first time I've seen this new format I've got a bit lost,, but good to see you're still here fiona 👍😊

Hi Alan, you are not alone in getting lost. I’ve grasped the basics but there are quite a few bits and pieces that are totally upside down. My personal galleries are all over the place date wise, what about yours? I’ll persevere for a bit longer, hope you’re well.

Interesting information Fiona. The energy in your mark making adds so much drama.

Thank you Anjana!

Hang on Studio Wall

17”x11” charcoal and pastel on Strathmore charcoal paper. Carsegowan Moss is the reserve where I help out, it’s a raised peat bog. Around parts of the boundary of the bog we’ve used a bunding technique to stop the bog draining too quickly. The water levels, as you can imagine, change over the course of the year and after an occasional prolonged period of rain, it forms visible pools.

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Fiona Phipps

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