Bayview House

Bayview House

What a brilliant start to the new term Fiona. I bet you were thrilled when you were told the subject. I really like this and am looking forward to regular sketches.

Lol.....I may have to remind you in the future Carol about what you have said about seeing regular sketches.....especially when I’ve posted my tenth gravestone, in as many mediums! Yes I loved doing this project last year, I’m already having sleepless nights because of all the ideas buzzing around my head! Thank you for your may need a double sherry before

Oh yes! all those sketches of toilets, how could anyone forget... Well, this is a really nice sketch Fiona, and you've taken some time and care over it. There are lots of interesting bits of detail going on, the gate, tree and wall is particularly good and so is your perspective.

Unusual for you, Fiona, but a change in style is welcome.

Nicely detailed drawing - very different style from your usual. I live your usual lively sketches but this works well too. Look forward to seeing your other sketches (I wasn't on POL last year si didn't see them)

well I like the sketch and , surely , "nooks and crannies" is such an all embracing title that anything goes - well just about. Look forward to seeing the interpretations

Well fiona you never fail to be doing something different that's for sure, why don't you say to the class you're dyslexic, and do crooks and nannies? That'll throw them.... Great piece though, it's sometimes so liberating in an odd sort of way, to ditch colour and be able to concentrate on this sort of work without the distraction of a colour palette.... Mind personally I think I'd start shaking without my dose of pyrolle orange..

What a super drawing Fiona! Look forward to the follow ups. Great subject.

That's very well drawn, Fiona. An excellent base for a painting, and a nice piece of work just as it is.

Fantastic drawing Fiona! I love graveyards.... you've given me some inspiration.....

A beautiful composition and sketch.

A beautiful drawing Fiona, really well balanced, love the bare branches of the tree, the water reflections, and the addition of the gravestones all add up to a a super sketch 😀

Thank you Alan, appreciate your observations and critique. I like to have a change now and again Cesare, keeps me sharp! Hello Dennis.....and thank you. Thank you Margaret, I prefer my scruffier sketching to be honest but I have to try to tame it a little for my tutor. Thanks Mike, yes the subject could include anything, there’s a lot of scope. That line has been said I have to say, in fact there are one or two in the class that absolutely hate this subject and would much prefer to do crooks and nannies! Personally I love the challenge, I’m not good at drawing so definitely need the practice. After the drawings comes the colour, that’s where the orange can come out to Thanks Alan. Thank you very much Tessa. Lewis,thank you. Drawing is my week spot so I’m grateful for your comment.

Thanks Carole, yes I thought I would ditch the derelict toilet blocks this year and move up market to the graveyard. It had interesting ruins and views to die! Thank you very much Avril for your comment. Linda, it really gives me a boost when others on the gallery that are very good at drawing leave a positive comment, so thank you.

I will Pete.....thank you!

A good well observed composition and well drawn Fiona.

This seems much more detailed for you Fiona but excellent none the less. Looking forward to seeing more of your Galloway "nooks and crannies".

I never sketched graveyards, what an excellent idea, Fiona, I might have a go myself,nice work Fiona, love the derelict tower.

You made me laugh with your story about the charcoal running off the paper, Fiona! This drawing is just lovely! I admire your perseverance for tackling new ideas and mediums!!!

Oooh Fiona this is a great sketch! Some lovely detail in the wall and the tree is just marvellous. I think this will be a very interesting collection of sketches and I look forward to the next one.

Excellent drawing, Fiona, and I nearly missed it. I'm looking forward to all those buzzing ideas you mentioned. Bri

Wonderful sketch Fiona, looking forward to the next one

Lovely composition Fiona, the diagonal running up to the house.

Thank you very much Louise......I have so many ideas, I can’t keep up with them! Lol Val thank you, I love this project work and the small town is full of inspiration, always something to light that spark. Go for it Annick, you can get some really interesting headstones and at this time of year you have the long shadows of the stones. Thank you!

It’s all true Satu, the rain and charcoal were puddling on the paper and when I tipped it up it all ran off the bottom. I was left with a ghost of an image. Thank you for your lovely comment. Thank you Margaret, I’m looking forward to the challenge, I hope I don’t bore everyone with my daft stuff! Thank you Brian. I was awake at 04.20 this morning and what was the first thing that came to mind....gravestones! Lol. Thank you very much David! Thanks Marjorie, I’ve looked at that, it wasn’t intentional.

Never cease to do different styles, Fiona, and this is very good.

Thank you Richard x

In its period this must have truly been a grand old house with all its accoutrements. You've done such a wonderful job, Fiona, at creating enough detail, here and there through the scene, to suggest a plethora of stories. I think it would make a great cover for a mystery novel.

Fantastic work Fiona! :)

Wib, thank you so much for your lovely positive comment, much appreciated. Thanks very much Keith, glad you like it, still not up to your drawing standards though!

Hang on Studio Wall

Sketchbook and 4b pencil. Well, the autumn term of my art class has started and you will all be thrilled to hear that we are doing ....drum roll.....Nooks & Crannies again!! Last autumn I did so many variations of the old toilet block, boats and not to forget the blue doors, you probably dreaded me posting anything. I have decided, to go up market a bit and have a go at the graveyard and surrounding older houses. This is my first sketch of a possible dozen or so for my project....oh no I hear! A grand old house in its time, Bayview looks out over the Cree Estuary and has a walled garden, the derelict tower is part of the wall, having one in each corner. My original sketch was done in charcoal but it was raining and by the time I had finished you couldn’t see where I had started, it had run off the bottom of the page!

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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