Pastel Sketch

Pastel Sketch

Whatever works for you Fiona and this sandpaper seems to work quite well.

Works! Just don't rub your fingers away! Which grain do you prefer?

This work is full of energy! Thanks for the sandpaper tip. I will give to a go.

I've used Fisher 400 and that takes the tips of my fingers off so I'd be careful of the damage proper sand paper can do when blending Fiona. Like Gudrun says, take care. Lovely colour combination.

My favourite colour Fiona. Get some Pumic powder Fiona. Mix it in some acrylic whatever background colour you might like and hay presto a great surface for pastels on any surface, brown paper, old card almost anything.

A cracker Fiona really like it

Love the colours Fiona. Quite a few people seem to use (low-grade) sandpaper with pastels, it was recommended at a demo we had recently.

Lovely blues. The nasty colour of the sandpaper does not show through at all, surprised me.

Many thanks Henry. Gudrun, so far I've only used the 400 and a 140 grade (which I might pop on the gallery later) I like this one out of the two. Thanks Nick, I've got some 600 grade to try next. Thank you for the tip is a tad rough I must agree but I'm not blending very much. You can get a decent manicure at the same time! John, that's a great tip thank you, I might give that a go.

Thank you very much Dennis, Jenny, Sharon for you feedback. Sharon this paper is a soft light grey colour, there are areas of it showing through.

Love the colours you've used , Fiona.... I have used sandpaper before, but have never really liked using it as it's do hard to blend colours on it, as the pastel really does stick fast to it.

I think the Fisher paper is acid free, ordinary sandpaper is not, so may discolour later. I find sandpaper a bit course to use. I either use Canson paper or pastel mat, which is a lovely thick surface. Good to try different types to find what suits you.

Wow this is amazing and colours outstanding !!

Thank you Chandra, yes I think I will stick to my canson's much easier on the finger tips! Thanks for the info Stephen. Thank you Donna! Where have you been darling? Hope you're okay!

Love it Fiona, what great ideas you have. This looks great, if you haven't tried yet Emery paper which is a very dark or silvery grey

I can see you in a cloud of blue dust Fiona!

Thank you David, I'll look into the emery paper. Thanks Satu, l had a white hen but now she's a powder blue colour....she comes and sits with me sometimes whilst I'm painting, she wasn't impressed.

Hang on Studio Wall

7x7 pastel sketch on 400 grade sandpaper. I am trying different supports for pastel and found some bits of sandpaper in the garage......that will be me in trouble again! Anyway, pastel really sticks to this, if you know what I mean. I've smuggled a few more bits, different grades to try out.

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Fiona Phipps

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