Nooks and piece!

Nooks and piece!

This is great Fiona! Love your final colour choice.

Thanks Margaret. I try to use as few colours as I used u. Marine, Persian red, Indian yellow, viridian and t. White. The neutrals were mixed from the same colours with white.

Unusual subject - well painted - like your palette.

This is a real eye-catcher, Fiona. So rich in colours, love it!

Very different from anything else that you have done and you can congratulate yourself Fiona, it’s really unique.

I wish I was brave enough to use a palette like this. it’s a stroke of genius.

Excellent. It's fun trying out new things. I look forward to the portrait.

I’ve really enjoyed seeing the development of this one. It must be really satisfying to work on a project like that. I like each version for different reasons but agree with you about the square format. These colours are very harmonious.

You are abviously gaining a lot from your course Fiona, super use of colour here.

excellent Fiona the square format works well also love the way colours are echoed throughout . looking forward to seeing you in your nooks and crannies self portrait

Very good composition Fiona, and confident use of colour and shape. Look forward to the self portrait! It’s good to have something like that and your next exhibition to aim at, keeps the grey matter concentrated!

Fiona, I'm jealous of these courses of yours, they sound as though they get you thinking. I like the application of paint and the colour mixes.

Like it Fiona and good choice of format, looking forward to your selfie lol, 😁

Very well developed Fiona the format works great roll out the self portrait next no fear

Left a comment yesterday but it isn't on. Love the slivers of yellow that bring such vitality to your beautiful painting. Good luck with the exhibition.

Love the colours in this too Fiona. You will walk the challenge of self portrait 🤗🤗

Thank you ever so much everyone for your continued encouragement and feedback, it does give me confidence. You seem to have a hell of a lot more confidence in my ability to do this self portrait, than I have! I hope you’re going to be around when there are tears and Before I started on this I gave the canvas a wash of toned down Indian yellow, when dry I sketched the scene in a turps mix of Persian red. No other reason than, some months ago I saw a a Peploe at an exhibition where he had done something similar. I thought it looked quite fetching, he left quite a bit more of the red and yellow underpainting showing than I have. Thanks again for your comments....appreciated.

Wow this is great Fiona, who would have thought headstones could look so good!! I love your choice of colours too. I'm looking forward to seeing your selfie lol....

Didn't see your comment earlier re your forthcoming self-portrait - so best of luck! I'm sure yours will turn out a lot better than my efforts did!!!

Well what can I say about this Fiona? it's a decent effort in the main, simple composition but there are a few issues with tonal values which I would have expected Davy Boy to have sorted out for you. Not bad though overall!

I love this Fiona and your unusual selection of colours. We are all now waiting with bated breath for the self portrait :)

Unusual subject but beautifully done, I love the colours.

Well done Fiona, love the final result.Good luck with the self portrait. :)

Margaret and Margaret.....thank you both for your support for my up and coming embarrassing selfie! I won’t be starting it until the new January term and I will have ten weeks -ish to work on, I should get some practice in before the major

Thank you Alan, you are tooooo kind! You missed the clue Al, the painting isn’t about architectural details or tonal values, it’s about COLOUR and the clue was Peploe. I altered a couple of things that Davy pulled me on which was the original foliage being too chalky looking and the bottom left hand side of the left stone....which I corrected to his satisfaction. I think I put over the element of colour being the main topic of the painting.

Val, Ellen, Annick, thank you very much ladies for your valued comments.

Great - Super colours.

Thank you Richard!

Nice one

David thank you very much.

Really like your choice of colour here Fiona. Really good!!

Thanks very much Louise, I’ve enjoyed doing this terms project and getting back into oils again.

Hang on Studio Wall

16”x16” oil on canvas. Two weeks left of this term and I’ve done my final piece for the nooks and crannies project...hoorah. Not very exciting but it I did enjoy the process of getting to this point. I chose a square format instead of the portrait format of the oil sketch, which thought gave the scene a pinched look. Next term....drum roll.....we are doing a self portrait....yikes, I’m petrified. The intention is to exhibit out final nooks and crannies piece with our self portrait at a local exhibition next spring. Dreading it!

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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