Night in the City?

Night in the City?

Very effective ,style and colours work well together.

There's a hint of "THE blue doors" here but I really like the effects you have achieved. I see reflections as if it's a wet night. Hope you are not snowed in Fiona. We haven't had snow but the gales & rain have been enough to put up with!! Keep warm.

Thank you Annick.....just messing about really. Ha ha......Carol I think I’m being haunted by those blue doors, perhaps everything I paint will have a blue door somewhere! Lol. Snow nearly gone here but it’s minus 4 degrees at the moment, been a beautiful day. We had the gales and rain before the snow came last week. Thank you very much for your comment Carol.

wow modern love it , it would look great in a modern setting

Wow I love this, Fiona. The colours are really striking.

It’s interesting how that light blue building recedes back. It’s eye catching and has your enthusiasm Fiona.

Terrific Fiona.

Another lovely semi-abstract, really like your style Fiona.

Thank you Dennis, Ellen, John, Jim, Sandra, Dennis for your most encouraging comments. I’m enjoying doing something without an engender.

Beautiful night view with blue hues, like it Fiona.

I can imagine this hanging in a New York apartment. I love it.

Posted on Mon 11 Dec 10:14:42

Lovely Fiona, using up stuff and creating wonders. S'funny I've just started a city scene working on a basic image from good old Wet Canvas Ref image archive.

A wall hanger indeed. Better than what you think.

Many thanks Tanusree, Carole, Ibolya, Derek...I’ll look out for it...... Andre, for your welcomed feedback. I’ve always fancied having a go at a city scene, I know this one is only messing about but it might prompt me to have a serious go at one.

This is great - I love the strong colours and ink - yum!

It's works wonderfully another winner Fiona

Thanks very much Maureen and Dermot, it makes a change from blue doors!

Love the vibrant blues, Fiona.... a great result from your' messing around'. I am seeing a night in the city, a canal side walk perhaps?

Many thanks Gudrun and Chandra for your positive comments.

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 photo paper and what’s left of my printing ink, with a little added oil paint.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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