Blue Door Abstract...(project)

Blue Door Abstract...(project)

Good colour harmony and balanced composition Fiona. Amazing what can come out of an old door.

Got all the credentials Fiona

I like it Fiona. A Red Indian's horse blanket. Or a camel driver’s dew dew blanket. Both have a certain aroma. Seriously, this is thought provoking.

Really interesting Fiona, I like it the way up that you have it.

John, you may not believe this but I’m getting to the end of my inspiration with these blue doors now. It must be awful for you lot! Lol Thank you as always for your valued comment. Hope so Dennis! You’ve certainly provoked my thoughts ref the aroma now Michael......thanks very much. Me too Sandra, thank you.

You're inspired by the blue doors and actually, I'm inspired by your abstract work. It's very effective , good mix of shapes and colours. If I get time tomorrow, I'll try an abstract. Not a door though and not shoes

Whatever subject you choose to do will be brilliant Louise. I have one more piece before my final painting....hoorah I hear you say....and that’s it for this project. I wonder what next term will bring. Thanks again for your support Louise, I appreciate it.

..and I haven't mentioned the 'B' word for ages LOL

It looks as if it's really large! Interesting piece!

Would do well in the Turner exhibit

This is super, Fiona - and like Margaret, I thought it looked like a much larger painting. Great combination of shapes and colours - abstracts can be so difficult but your 'mess around' has made it look easy!

Really like this Fiona, a great abstract. Has a Japanese theme to it.

You've gone quiet Fiona. Hope you haven't felt off colour and come over all funny because I mentioned the 'B' word? lol

What can I say Fiona - Your doors just get better and better. Colours are excellent.

You have done well with the project Fiona...look forward to seeing the next one!

Nice abstract, Fiona

Great colours ....touch of Klee & Marisse’s cut outs about it!

Not quite a Mondrian but an interesting concept Fiona.

For a "mess around" this is most attractive -I particularly like the colour combination Fiona. Really looking forward to seeing the finished project.

Thank you Margaret and Pete!

Many thanks Jenny, Carole, Richard, Sylvia, Anne, Malcolm, Alan, Carol for your your comments are very much appreciated. Louise, I’ve been at my therapist’s most of the day, I’ve had a relapse......he said I have to avoid all contact with the ‘B’ word in any I told him wouldn’t it be more in my interest to confront the problem.....after leaving his surgery I spent the next four hours sat on the forth road bridge......and I think it’s worked! Lol 😂

Phew, that's a relief. I'll try not to mention it again but can't promise. LOL

Just quickly, the Forth Road B might not cure you after all. You need a small grey stone type. Four hours on one of those would be better I think :)

......where’s the Gin! 😱🤬🤯

I'll have one or two for you shall I? :)

I like the colours and composition in this abstract, Fiona.

Yes Louise but it’s purely medicinal......I can’t seem to get the top off my bottle...hiccup. Thank you very much Chandra, I like the blues.

Many thanks Fiona for telling me about Keith Vaughan. What a fabulous painter he was. I just love his abstract male figures!

Thank you Gudrun!

Hang on Studio Wall

16” x 8” printing ink with roller on sugar paper. Another mess around in the development particular right way up.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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