View from Morston

View from Morston

Not cheating at all, Fiona - just learning from the experts, and this is well painted. I really like the freshness of the blues.

You don't need to practise, they'll be copying you soon :) Lovely loose and free brushwork, another cracker.

Agree with all the above....good work.

Nice sky and good recession here

Lots of interesting effects going on here - wet in wet , dry brush - like it! Keep going!

Many thanks Jane, Larry, Val, Ruth, Stephen and Guy for your lovely comments, much appreciated.

When I first saw this I was convinced it was an "Alan". I think it was the colour combinations. But you are certainly making this style your own. I'm with Val on this one. It's a wonderful piece of work, Fiona. Well done !!!

A lovely scene. You have done it credit Fiona. Just to add a little bit of' chatter'. I have stood on the roof of that church in the background. There is a tremendous view from up there :)

Lovely painting, I agree with Val's comments.

Beautiful watercolour Fiona

Lionel, thank you so much, what a compliment, that has made my day!! But the credit is all Mr. Hall's really. I agree about the clours, I think I use similar ones to Alan.

Thank you Sarah, Glennis, Petra for your lovely comments. Sarah I think the church is Blakeney church. Thanks again.

I don't call this cheating, you're acknowledging Steve Hall's influence and work after all: And you will get back to creating your own compositions - won't you? (Note the hint of menace.)

PS - you're using my favourite paper: taking nothing away from you AT ALL, it does work beautifully with your Old Holland colours.

Menace all you like Robert, I can take it....and I definitely need it, I'm being very lazy at the present and could do with a huge kick in the you know what! Thank you for your comment.

Well, one has to experiment and I think this is really effective.

A lovely piece, Fiona, done with your usual spontaneity.

Hang on Studio Wall

Following on from the last watercolour, this is another one of the Steve Hall greetings card pictures. I know it's cheating but it's all that a good enough excuse for not getting on with my own creations??!! Lol. I guess not really. Arches paper & Old Holland paints; Manganese blue, U. marine, B. umber, R. sienna (dark) and a little P. grey mixed with B. umber for the darks.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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