Life Drawing by Lily


Well, her first attempt is very good indeed Ellen

Great first LD…I do like his shoes. I used to take my neighbours son when he was a teenager toLife Drawing and he was very good. More schools should do this for their students.

Oooops just looked ,they are not shoes but black charcoal. Apology’s I have funny eyes.

Yes agreed her first time. Great work 👏

Excellent Lily.

Ery hard for a teenager! But a great result.

Thank you Heather, Sylvia and Faye for your generous feedback. Lily is really liking life drawing, they’re concentrating on it for a while before she has another assessment. She’s just loving art college.

Thank you Marjorie for your lovely comments. I didn’t see you pop up.

Thank you Fiona for your lovely feedback. Both you and Marjorie popped up while I wasn’t looking! Lily did make me laugh though when she told me she was not daring to look at her friend!

She has done a great job Ellen. Well done.

Thank you Romila and Denise for your lovely feedback.

Lily did a great job. The foreshortening ( of his arms that is) is very well done, not easy!

Thank you Carole for your lovely comments.

Hang on Studio Wall
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This is Lily’s first attempt at life drawing. The teacher instructed the class before they went into the room…..”no giggles and looking at your friends, concentrate”. Lily told me it took a lot of will power to hold it together and not to look at her friend! Teenagers….!

About the Artist
Ellen Mooney

I work in acrylics. My style is abstract expressionism…..“I begin with an idea, then it becomes something else”….a quote by Picasso. I’m an Exhibiting Member of the Nottingham Society of Artists, where I regularly show my artwork in their exhibitions. Prize winner of the Holbrook Trust Award…

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