Moving slowly to a Standstill


I like it -- and the enigmatic title works really well. The texture within each strip adds a lot. Have you looked at Pierre Soulages black paintings?

You’re turning out some interesting work Ellen - a great conversation piece if ever I saw one!

Interesting Ellen, made me think…

Thank you Martin, Coral, Alan, Spencer and Carole for your feedback. Really appreciated.

I like black paintings also Ellen and this is a cracker.

Thank you for your lovely comments, Fiona.

Great work Ellen 🤩

Hang on Studio Wall
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Recently framed. I do like painting black paintings, not everyone’s cup of tea I know.

About the Artist
Ellen Mooney

I work in acrylics. My style is abstract expressionism…..“I begin with an idea, then it becomes something else”….a quote by Picasso. I’m an Exhibiting Member of the Nottingham Society of Artists, where I regularly show my artwork in their exhibitions. Prize winner of the Holbrook Trust Award…

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