

Thank you, Gudrun. I appreciate your feedback.

Ellen, I’m really enjoying your recent work. Have you taken a different approach/influence, they are wonderfully executed and painted. Love the pastel palette too, suits the design, along with your mark making.

I like your colour palette here - very reflective.

Thank you for your encouraging feedback, Fiona. In a word, yes. I’ve struggled through these lockdowns to find inspiration, like I know a few of us have. So, I turned to abstraction because I didn’t have to think or plan too much, I could let my imagination run. I think I’ve always wanted to paint in abstracts, but it was finding the courage to do it. Looking at shapes and colours instead of what was in front of me, like a scene or an object. This one started off with layers of unused paint leftover from other paintings, I just slapped it on and left it, until I could see something to work on.

Thank you, Chrissie for your lovely comments.

You are certainly finding inspiration in your imagination Ellen. Love your recent abstracts and this one is a cracker. Thank-you for telling us how it started off, too.

It’s an instinctive way to go Ellen and it is certainly working for you. It’s confident.

I think this is a really good abstract Ellen. I love the pale colours and the shapes and lines give lots of interest. Lovely!

Thank you for your encouraging comments, Sandra, Fiona and Diane. I really appreciate it.

Really like this Ellen, it reminds me of my childhood stamp collection!

Thank you for your lovely comments, Katy. I like it when the viewer has their own interpretation. To me, it means it’s working, and they’re looking.

I really like the movement here, the way the blocks are jostling, and the hues are beautifully set off against the greys. I bet this would work really well on a larger scale too.

Thank you for your feedback and appreciation, Martin.

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylics and gels on canvas board 10 x 10 inches.

About the Artist
Ellen Mooney

I work in acrylics. My style is abstract expressionism…..“I begin with an idea, then it becomes something else”….a quote by Picasso. I’m an Exhibiting Member of the Nottingham Society of Artists, where I regularly show my artwork in their exhibitions. Prize winner of the Holbrook Trust Award…

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