'First Light on the 18th

First Light on the 18th

Like this a lot Eleanor

Really good Eleanor.

A good painting - I love the sky.

Michael - I don't play myself, but I know golfers who would not be above starting before 6 in the morning - if allowed!

Hang on Studio Wall

I have painted this scene looking up the 18th hole from the pond, Woking Golf Course many times over the years, but this was the first time I witnessed dawn breaking, with the cool greens gradually warming from the light ascending from behind the tress.

For Sale

Price: Unframed £350.00
Picture Size: 420 mm x 340 mm
About the Artist
Eleanor King

Eleanor has returned to painting after a long absence. After Harrow Art School and a 12 year career in London as an illustrator graphic designer, she went on to study a degree in Clinical Nutrition after raising a family, so has more recently been immersed in a world of food and optimising health.…

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