

Super Paul, the more we practice the better we get.

Lovely sketches and beautifully drawn, Paul!

A great show of hands Paul, really well drawn.

Hands are so tricky Paul. Well done with these sketches.

John , Anne, Andrew, Christine and Spencer thank you for your kind comments.

Ecellent sketches Paul. Great observation of the arthritic bumps etc.

Very good sketches. Paul!!

Excellent drawing Paul.

Dixie, that's just amazing! Brilliant!

Posted by Tanja G. on Mon 12 Feb 10:40:07

Great work on the hand sketches Paul. Always difficult.

Love this Paul, so astutely observed. My own hands are terribly deformed with rheumatoid arthritis and can be such a nuisance at times.

These are wonderful hand sketches Paul

Great drawings Paul, that small hand encased in the adult's is lovely. I enjoy drawing hands always a challenge. I suppose we do take them for granted over the years but I'm beginning to pay the price now, my thumbs are particularly painful when drawing.

Really good hand sketches Paul 🙂

Oh lovely sketches of these hands Paul, such a great practice as it is good to draw from observation!

Your drawings are so good Paul.

Thank you to each and everyone of you for your kind comments I’m really grateful and didn’t expect such lovely comments. I’ve always drawn / sketch since childhood but like most people did not find the time due to work , family etc to do anything more serious about it . I have neglected my skills particularly over the last ten years or so since taking up watercolours but recently took a new interest in drawing again having tried out graphite pencils partly the B5 and B9 following a chat with Sylvia . Big thanks for the tip and the encouragement Sylvia , can’t wait for the warmer weather to get out a bit more and get some sketching done.

It just shows there is sways inspiration on hand if you need it! No pun intended. Your drawings are really good Paul - love them.

Good work Dixie on a difficult subject. A slight twist of a hand makes a massive difference to what we see. Agree with everyone about them not always working as we’d like as we age

Thank you Sarah and Martin for you comments , it certainly does make a huge difference in what we see with the smallest of movements and offers a whole different perspective.

These are great sketches Paul!

Hang on Studio Wall

A3 pad 6Band 9B graphite pencils , I needed to be able to sketch hands much better than I could for the figures I like to add to my paintings . Having had problems with my hand I’m quite fascinated in how the works , I notice hands more now than ever before . It amazes me the shapes and how the can become so distorted with arthritis and age . Something we take for granted until they don’t do what you want them too.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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