Old lighthouse


Good one Paul. Great composition and really like the way you have painted the lighthouse.

Really nice lighthouse Paul

Nicely done Paul love the steps leading to the lighthouse and the movement of gulls.

Lovely scene Paul and I like the detail of the smashed and missing glass.

So bright and breezy with lovely details, such as the seagulls and the broken glass. Love your palette here Paul.

Thank you Davis , Heather , Michale, Chris , Denise and Carole for taking time to comment, all your comments are appreciated. I would want the top floor for a gallery Michale. I had to imagine the colours as it was a very poor quality b&w photo , the gull are my addition as well. I did the painting to relaxing and do something different, I’m not sure if I painted it or it just happened. My son in laws mother loves lighthouse’s so I think it’s may have found a home .

Cracking scene Dixie! Yes that would make a great studio!

Thank you for you kind comment Tessa, I could spend hours doing sky and sea paintings as they chance from up there . David I’m sorry , I did not spell your name correctly, fat finger hitting the s and not the d , can you think about changing your name to make it easier for me.

Lovely painting Paul as always. Really like the sky and love the lighthouse and birds around it.

Like that a lot, Paul!!!!

Nicely painted Dixie.

Thank you Faye , David and Sylvia for your comments . My daughter just popped round and took the painting with her as my granddaughters want to have it framed for their Nanni . I’ve never had a painting that was taken before it had properly dried ,it’s done and gone .

Chris thank you for you comment it is appreciated.

A lovely painting Paul. No wonder they wanted it to be framed.

Thank you for your kind comment Christine.

Thank you for taking the time to comment Val-Irene.

Yes, a very nice lighthouse Paul and I do like the way you've painted the rocks in the foreground. Good colours and watercolour effect.

Lovely con position and colours well done

Louise and Moira thank you both for you comments they are really appreciated.

I love this Dixie - one of my favourite subjects, painted beautifully!

This is so good Paul, I do love a lighthouse.

Anthony and Carrie thank you for your kind comments. I don’t often paint lighthouses, but this one really appealed to me , probably because it’s derelict. I had gone off to be framed as my ten year old granddaughter wanted it for he Nani who loves lighthouse.

Lovely painting

Your comments is appreciated Romila.

Haven’t been on the site for a few days, sorry I’m late commenting Paul. Lovely sky as the backdrop to your lighthouse, you’ve captured the aged look very well.

Thank you for your comment Fiona , no need to apologise for a late comment. I never expect people to comment and I’m always really pleased when they take time. Hope all is fine with you .

Nice composition Paul , the steps leading up to the lighthouse and the weathering on the stonework adds a sense of place.

Since retiring, painting is the only thing that keeps me sane (apart from single malt). Keep up the good work Paul.

Thank you Brian , hope to see much more of your excellent work.

Love this 🙌

Thank you Steve I enjoyed paint it , different subject for me .

Paul great composition and love the lines.

Thank you Judith for you kind comment.

Beautiful painting Paul. Love the top of the lighthouse windows 👌

Beautiful painting - love the feeling it evokes!

Thank you Chloe for your kind comment.

Interesting composition. I quite enjoy the texture of the stairway and the lighthouse. The rocks seem to block a bit too much of the view, in my opinion, but overall it's a lovely work.

Nice colours, good picture. I like it.

Lovely textures and mark making

Excellent I love the feeling it portrays

Thank you all for your comments.

Hang on Studio Wall

A24x32cm watercolour, of a derelict lighthouse , from an old photo .

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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More by Paul (Dixie) Dean