

A sore point at the moment (literally) as I have just had the third surgery on my knee three days ago as a result of a skiing accident a few years ago. It is a wonderful sport, which I enjoyed for many years, but it can be dangerous as well. This painting really captures the action and excitement of skiing (just hope the chap made it down in one piece!).

Great image, so dynamic. Particularly like the way you have handled the snow flying around his skis.

Thanks Thea and Sharon. We have skiied for many years in Europe and this winter was the first we didn't because of my accident back in April. I have checked with the insurers and they don't have a problem with two previously fractured legs. It's just whether I have the confidence to go again. Several of my friends have had serious and not so over the years, some have returned to it but not all. I hope you do and good luck.

agreed this is an excellent watercolour Derek capturing the fun of skiing for the few who can get to the level in one piece, the majority potter along more sedately having just as much fun!

Thank you Ros, we gave up the pottering years back but now old age is bringing us back into that comfort zone.

Hang on Studio Wall
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In Gouache before I was given some watercolours and copied from a ski brochure, many years ago. 30 x 20cm on paper.

About the Artist
Derek Snowdon

Eleventyeight as my hashing pals called my new age recently, it's supposed to sound better. Trying to paint every day in acrylics using only expired credit/debit cards, and partially succeeding as they're only for me and not show these days.

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