

Owls are such an attractive subject and yours is lovely Derek. The owl is really well painted and I do like the texture you've achieved in the tree trunk. Love it!

The tree Derek is wonderfully painted,great effects used in this.

Yes Derek alive with quality wonderful painting

Derek, the finished eyes really bring it to life - perfect gift for a child.

He's perfect Derek and yes, it's finished! The expression is priceless!

Oi what you looking at! Love his face Derek brilliant in fact the whole painting is beautiful. She will be iver the moon with this owl.

Lovely textures and great colours make your owl look quite a character. Those eyes are quite penetrating......nicely done and should go down very well for your friend's daughter.

Friend&#39;s daughter is in her late 30s and works in the fashion industry in London.<br />Thanks Christine, Andre, dennis, Jenny, Satu, Ivan, Carole and Ann<br />I am pleased it&#39;s finished I don&#39;t usually take a lot of time with my works, but those eyes haunted me, staring back as blank spaces. They&#39;re about right.

Oops, sorry, Derek, assumed it was for a child (probably because I do animal paintings myself for children) but a perfect gift for someone of any age!

You have given him a very wise and knowing look Derek, excellent work!

Oh I agree with Your friends daughter, they are beautiful and amazing creatures, Love owls so much Derek, Love this painting :)

Thanks Jenny, Fiona and Maria

Beautiful textures in this painting Derek...The eyes are quite mesmerising!! I&#39;m sure she will be delighted with the result!!

Thank you Chandra

This just made me smile! I love that baleful stare - so much personality in this piece!

Cheers Seok, I see I have a competitor on this subject.

Hang on Studio Wall

32 x 27cms on paper. One eye yesterday, the other today,the best I can manage with concentration and finger control, must admit no cards were used in the eyes, only a 0 brush. HAVE I FINISHED? Closup to follow. This is to be gift for a pal's daughter who adores owls.

About the Artist
Derek Snowdon

Eleventyeight as my hashing pals called my new age recently, it's supposed to sound better. Trying to paint every day in acrylics using only expired credit/debit cards, and partially succeeding as they're only for me and not show these days.

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