Street Scene

Street Scene

The palette you've used gives me the overwhelming feeling of intense heat Dennis.....phew, it's a scorcher!

Looking out from the dark into the light, shows how you can portray that using these unusual colours. Excellent Dennis.

Fabulous Dennis, wonderful palette, this is one of your best street scene.

Many thanks Fiona it has been today and Marjorie glad it works Cesare that's very kind indeed

So busy, so smoggy, hot and sweaty really great atmosphere Dennis.

Busy, busy hot and sticky!! brilliantly portrayed.

Many thanks Willie and Jennifer very much appreciated indeed

Really think you have captured a great sense of the lights and darks really interesting scene Dennis.

Lots of life in this one Dennis, can almost hear the city noise!

Love the colours in the buildings and the soft blue sky.

Nice one Dennis I've just done one very similar I haven't posted it yet though, this is a lovely piece Dennis

A very daring palette Dennis, and one that I would hesitate to use but boy has it worked... brilliant.

Many thanks Rita Stephen and Sandra you are too kind

Many thanks Dennis i know it will be great thanks Russell and Alan so kind

Beautiful palette, always attracts me Dennis, love the scene too.

You have captured a busy scene with simplicity. This is my favourite from you now Dennis.

Posted on Tue 18 Jul 10:51:23

I love those light colours going into the dark ones at street level, but still keeping their transparency. Fabulous, Dennis.

So kind Carole and Ibolya I will try and do a few more and Ellen very much appreciated indeed

Very lively and atmospheric, Dennis.

I can feel the heat Dennis, the light colours really give this piece a great atmosphere.

Many thanks Seok and Margaret very much appreciated indeed

Thanks so much Gudrun very kind of you

Great street scene looks busy and hot !

Another of your wonderful, bustling cityscapes, Dennis...Fab!!!

Thanks so much Helen and Chandra very much appreciated indeed

Love the composition, looseness of brush and the colours!!!

Many thanks Teresa very much appreciated indeed

Hang on Studio Wall

Mixed Media

About the Artist
Dennis Rounding

Born 1953 it was a good day for the world. BA Hons fine art then PGCE. Had two one man shows Huddersfield and Wakefield and Mirfield. Fell ill 25 years ago but now paint small scale. All for sale To cut a long story short when seventeen to twenty one worked twelve hour shifts at Chemicals grinding…

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