Cafe Shade

Cafe Shade

You mean THIS is a cracker! I love it.

Many thanks Shirley now I feel I can waste paint and paper. acrylic dries fast so I would be in a permanent panic. I can watch what I don't use dry up it takes so much pressure off.

Very good, has a Vincent Van feel to it

Fantastic work Dennis :)

Sorry Stephen can't hear you I only have one ear and Louise Many thanks indeed

Toulouse Le Trek turned up too. No not him from Star Trek. suggested the composition and poster style.

A belter Dennis.

Many thanks Pete very kind indeed

Acrylic or watercolour it don't matter, it's you mate your what makes them work . This is a lovely painting Dennis well done.

You've captured the energy of cafe life, a lovely painting!

Many thanks Dennis a great man and Teresa a great woman as we all are

Beautifully captured. You have a lovely style going on here Dennis.

With this hot weather mine is a nice cool beer and a table with a shady aspect. Another super painting Dennis your pictures are always interesting, lively and well executed.

Many thanks Sandra and Barry yes a bit of shade and liquid needed very much appreciated indeed

Beautiful scene Dennis, makes you wish you were there. Hope you are keeping well Dennis ;)

Doing my best Carole had severe pain for last eighteen months and the doctor doesn't seem to bother. Many thanks Carole you are too kind

That's not good enough is it Dennis? Sorry to hear you are in pain.

They don't want to admit I have a severe industrial disease . It's too late to do anything I think but I have lost half my life and been on 75 quid a week for the last ten months and spent two years going through three tribunal court cases in the last five years. I don't even like to think about it. Loads more but we mean nothing to the government

You get better and better if that's possible Dennis.

Hope so Marjorie thanks very much indeed

And we all need some shade today Dennis, this is lovely.

Many thanks Margaret very much appreciated indeed

Many thanks Gudrun very much appreciated indeed

Dennis that is terrible but it happens all the time.

Not many people will choose such a complex scene. Nice suggestive marks Dennis.

Posted on Wed 21 Jun 18:34:44

Great painting Dennis, the right atmosphere.

Yes such is life Carole for most very kind Ibolya stretching out a bit and Cesare very much appreciated indeed

Great work again

Posted by T H on Thu 22 Jun 06:31:41

Turquoise and orange together are my favourite combination of colours. Glad that you are enjoying your new acquisitions, you are coming up with many light and airy paintings that are beautiful.

Many thanks Timothy and Sarah very much appreciated indeed

Love this, I almost feel like I can ear wig on the conversations they are having you've brought real 'life' to this piece.

Just beautiful Dennis. A real cracker

Hang on Studio Wall


About the Artist
Dennis Rounding

Born 1953 it was a good day for the world. BA Hons fine art then PGCE. Had two one man shows Huddersfield and Wakefield and Mirfield. Fell ill 25 years ago but now paint small scale. All for sale To cut a long story short when seventeen to twenty one worked twelve hour shifts at Chemicals grinding…

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