view Starboard

view Starboard

This is so good dennis. Really like this one. It seems randomly brushed but ofcourse thats part of the illusion.

Great work Derek beautiful Stephen lovely dream Michael brilliant Cesare fine piece Willie awesome Dennis superb David

No - more to the right dennis. I can sense your enthusiasm for the different surrounds

Many thanks Derek lovely work Chandra

Lovely atmosphere to this one Dennis , that's your speciality catching the atmosphere looks easy but so hard to achieve, delightful mate.

Great picture, you've really set a mood. Bon voyage, sooner you than me.

A very atmospheric painting, Dennis... love the shadows and suggestion of an urban, industrial scene.

Many thanks Dennis Willie and Chandra. No Alan you have great talent a style I very much admire and a great painter. I can only think it is the subject matter. People are fickle and expect landscape still lifes boats buildings people etc. Try a few and experiment with styles and they will love you.

Contrasts nicely done. Approved!

Hope the lessons went well Dennis! I love the splash of blue just off center, another super painting.

Very suggestive painting, Dennis. Thank you for your comment.

A really lovely painting Dennis, great colours and atmosphere

I think you've become inspired by your surroundings Dennis, another excellent piece.

Love the sky, great palette all round Dennis.

Another beauty pleased your 'mojo' is back :)

Nicely done Dennis. No more walls, roofs, floors, lefts, rights, railings........a new language now too.

Many thanks Fiona Ivan Cesare David John Russell Carole Louise aching pain and exhausted but doing well here kitty kitty Gudrun and Michael yes til it gets too cold

Beautiful theo Fiona nice one Ivan great piece John Lovely piece Ronald and two stunners Michael

Ref advertising your painting holiday breaks......go to top of gallery page and click on 'courses and holidays' on that page on the left it says, "show case your holiday" on 'get in touch'. I would think from the list of names it will Anna Marie Brown the advertising manager. Hope this helps Dennis, it's certainly worth a try. Good luck!

Thanks so much Fiona twenty per cent off your first visit. Will start creating it

Thanks so much Fiona twenty per cent off your first visit. Will start creating it

Hope it works for you Dennis! X

Hang on Studio Wall

quick one this morning. gas fitters coming soon and three hours casting off maneuvering and mooring lessons this afternoon then a run on my own tomorrow new water pump knackered but enjoyable

About the Artist
Dennis Rounding

Born 1953 it was a good day for the world. BA Hons fine art then PGCE. Had two one man shows Huddersfield and Wakefield and Mirfield. Fell ill 25 years ago but now paint small scale. All for sale To cut a long story short when seventeen to twenty one worked twelve hour shifts at Chemicals grinding…

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