Towards Beechfield, Higher Poynton

beechfield hr poynton 2

Very nice indeed

Good strong tones in this lovely watercolour.

Love your style David.

Thank you all for taking the time to comment so positively. Your appreciation of the tones is very welcome, Stephen. Lack of tonal range is an easy trap for watercolourists )including me) to fall into. If tones 1 - 5 cover white to black, many watercolour landscapes only use tones 2-4, and it's the extremes, 1 and 5, that create impact, especially if they are next to each other at some point.

Thank you very much, David.

Hang on Studio Wall

Towards Beechfield, Higher Poynton. A bonus for our weekly outdoor session this week – sunshine, and the golf course we cross to our patch was closed, enabling views not normally available.

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About the Artist
David Whitehead

I have always loved the British landscape – walking in it, photographing it and now, since early retirement, painting it in watercolour. I prefer to paint in the field and have experienced all the difficulties the British weather can present to a painter, from the sun drying the paint on the…

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