Castlerigg Stone Circle

Castlerigg Stone Circle

Very dramatic and skilled painting, David - it immediately caught my eye...

A beautiful place and beautiful painting. Your work is sharp and bright. Beautiful light

Beautiful work, David.

I really like this David - beautifully painted.

Great sky and lighting David and I love the way you have painted the stones.

Very good choice of colours - great atmosphere!

Thank you all for those encouraging comments. The colour harmony is down to a limited palette, as used by my influences, of French ultramarine, raw sienna & burnt sienna. The latter two colours are actually Daniel Smith's variants of those colours - transparent yellow & red oxides, these give the granular textures I think suit remote and gritty locations like this.

Very nice David, reminds me painting of there some years ago on a course from Higham Hall. We went by mini bus and I was in the first load. The artist returned later with the second load of passengers. In the mean time I was helping some beginners to sketch the complicated layout of the stones. He said that people had done very well and seemed a bit surprised that I had hardly made a start!

Thanks Stephen, that's how I hope my paintings will work, evoking memories of being there, or somewhere similar for the viewer. I can empathise with your experience, I once attended a plein air course where I spent the first half hour on site helping ladies, older and less nimble than me, over a stile with their chairs, easels, bags, and shopping trolleys of kit. Good job I paint quickly!

Great atmosphere - love it.

Hang on Studio Wall

Painted at home from a photo taken in winter afternoon lighting at Castlerigg near Keswick.

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About the Artist
David Whitehead

I have always loved the British landscape – walking in it, photographing it and now, since early retirement, painting it in watercolour. I prefer to paint in the field and have experienced all the difficulties the British weather can present to a painter, from the sun drying the paint on the…

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