New Party Dress


Wow Russell this is outstanding and beautifully done.

Gosh incredible!!

Fabulous Russell. You have a way of capturing innocence and charm par excellence. those glass are the icing on the cake too!

Stunning work.

What an absolutely charming drawing Russell, love her glasses and the gossamer look of her frock.

This is wonderful - right down to the way you have highlighted her hair and the suggestion of shadow. Lovely.

Outstanding and so sweet.

Absolutely beautiful. You have captured such lovely light shining through her dress and hair. Stunning.

So delightful, stunning work Russell.

What more can I add - an intake of breath, oh, look at this! Beautiful, Russell.

How brilliant is this! i think it's truly wonderful, really well executed Russell

Quite wonderful!

This is absolutely delightful, Russell, beautiful lighting, as always, in this case, through diaphanous dress, great characterisation of the little girl; fabulous! God bless 🙂🙏

Thank you everyone for your lovely comments, all very much appreciated.

I love how you’ve used the light through the dress, really lovely!

Such a joyful and beautiful work Russell. 👏👏

A brilliant piece of drawing, love the highlights in the hair. So how quick was the drawing?

Thank you Denise, Harman and Fred. Fred it took a day to complete, about eight hours, which is 'quick' or me!

Delightful, what a great work!!

Lovely and I love the white spots Russell


Just fabulous Russell.

Your drawings always have the bit extra something. Wonderful.

Russell, this is just a means to contact you. (I've already commented on this wonderful drawing.) You have commented on my latest post. It doesn't look as if it's there...but it is...there's a comment saying 'amazing' and then blank space. If you scroll down...WAY DOWN...there are all the comments. Some sort of glitch. Tony put me on to this. Thanks for your comment (s).

Brilliant. Makes me envious, as I stick mostly to head and shoulder portraits - I'm useless at the full figure. But this, proportion and also the lighting - excellent. Incidentally, I like toned paper, but find white charcoal pencils useless. White charcoal??

Hang on Studio Wall

Strathmore Gray Toned paper, pencil and white charcoal pencil. Quick sketch of Millie in her new birthday party dress.

About the Artist
Russell Edwards

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