Near Erddig Hall


Great sketch with wonderful tonal values

That's beautiful, Russell. I'm fascinated by how you've achieved the little ripples in the water. Have you added white here and there?

Beautifully done, and nothing wrong with taking a photo to finish it off in this weather.

Thank you Marjorie, yes I've used white pastel blended with the grey of the paper.

Fantastic sketching Russell. Really admire your terrific talent.

Great sketch with super tones and detail. Had a lovely day out at Erddig hall last year.

Sure it's no worse for your having gone home for a nice cup of tea - you can overdo this 'making a sacrifice for your art' lark. Very effective drawing, on this excellent paper - have you tried conté crayon on it? Well worth it.

It’s such a wonderful paper in the right hands, this is superbly drawn Russell.

Thank you Carole, Christine, Alan and Robert - I've not tried conte crayon Robert but I will do.

Wonderful sketch, outstanding pencil work.

Great tones and depth, Russell. An exquisite drawing with marvellous use of light and shadow. The bank reflections are also beautifully done, what with the broken edge showing the streams movement superbly. Very easy on the eye. Bri

Superb work Russell, don't blame you for not sticking around!

Super work Russell.

Super drawing Russell, the water is exceptional. Love the misty background ground too. Good idea about the tea.

Thank you all for your great comments, they're very much appreciated.

I can't work without a fairly constant stream of tea Russell so I sympathise. Beautifully rendered and a gorgeous little vignette at the bottom with those stunning ripples. A real feeling of movement. Perfect!

I'll return the compliments Russell you should do more of these but I guess whatever you turned your gaze to would be something special as this is 😎

Hang on Studio Wall

A3, Strathmore Gray toned paper, pencil and white pastel. Another attempt at 'en plain air' sketching. Prior to Storm Ciara, walking in a local beauty spot I sat down to draw this view. However after about 15 minutes - it felt much longer - I'd had enough. Finished it at home I'm afraid using a quickly taken reference photograph and a hot cup of tea!

About the Artist
Russell Edwards

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