Silent and Frozen

Weaver frost

Always a good idea to give us the medium David, I’ll assume it’s oils. An excellent painting with great aerial perspective and tonal values!

Well, that explains why I haven’t noticed your work before, you’ve only just posted them….lol. I agree with Alan ref the aerial perspective, stunning piece.

A really effective painting.

Thanks for adding the medium!

Can almost feel the chill here looking at this lovely work, hope you wrap up well! I had a look at your website earlier, a lot of fine work there and not surprisingly a lot of red dots in evidence!

Four lovely paintings, David. I especially like this one.

Agree with all the comments. Really good David

Beautiful light and composition. All good paintings David

Superb aerial perspective and subtle palette

Just noticed your work David, fabulous stuff - this is my favourite!

Gorgeous again.


Great colour, composition and perspective.

Hang on Studio Wall

Plein air oil painting of the river Weaver near my home. 10" x 12"

About the Artist
David Barber

At the age of 53 I quit my teaching job to realise a long held dream of being a full time artist. I'm still surviving! I paint solely from life be it plein air landscapes, or still life set ups, as I don't enjoy copying photos. Some of my work I'm pleased with and some not so, but I've learned that…

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