Winters eve on the Craigmore

Winters eve on the Craigmore

Your paintings are brilliant. The atmosphere you portray is fantastic - I am shivering looking at this one! I too am a model railway freak and love all your rail paintings. Well done and Merry Christmas!

Posted by Ann Cook on Sun 21 Dec 14:41:55

Thank you Ann and Seasons Greetings to you too. "All aboard" ??

.....and here's another comment from an 'A C'! This is lovely, as they all are, David. The detail is marvellous, with the hint of blue in the snow, bringing a real chill, the distant viaduct, the tyre tread marks, fading winter sun, and the small dash of red in the farmers clothes. Meticulously drawn and painted, a real treat to see.

Love this wintery scene.

It's a smashing subject and composittion but a little too pristine for me.

Such a wonderful feeling of bitter cold and the farmer tending his flock to keep them safe in such bad weather. Lovely atmospheric painting and the way you have painted the snow is really awesome.

Great work. Cold, bitterly cold, just seeing this!

Hang on Studio Wall

A farmer tending his flock is distracted by the exhaust bark of a North bound train on the Craigmore viaduct near Bessbrook in co. Armagh in 1950. No doubt he wishes he was sitting in the warmth and comfort of the carriages rather than the cold steel seat of his little grey Fergie tractor. Agh such is life!

About the Artist
David Briggs

Self taught, member of Guild of Motoring Artists and Guild of Railway Artists. Paint solely in Acrylics

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