My muse again

My muse again

Another very fine sketch, David. She's beautiful. I agree about hair being difficult, but you've done very well here.

Nice drawing David. You caught an expression to give life to the sketch.

You've done a good job here, the eyes are very good and the hair has movement.

Looks good to me David H. I like the hair too.

I'm not interested in the model when I look at a drawing, that's irrelevant, despite her rather appealing looks. I do like this drawing David, you have demonstrated excellent control with the pencil and have a good degree of accuracy. I would also like to see from you some less exacting stuff perhaps, cut loose maybe and go for it!, charcoal on A1 paper is great for that. Working lines are great to see on a sketch as I'm sure you already know, it's sometimes a pity to erase them. Keep it going.

Good drawing and her hair is fabulous David.

Thanks for all the comments... Alan, yeah I should loosen up sometimes. When this sketch book is full I am going to try and fill the next one with short sketches and iterative practices with a view less to producing decent images and more towards learning (Like pages full of heads, 5 minute sketches etc) I have made it my target to fill these current books (A4 and A5) with some vaguely decent stuff and I know if I move to loose and more instinctual work I am going to have several disasters along the way, so I will take you advice but I am going to delay that for a little.

I am in no way criticising what you are doing, in actual fact, you need to start off drawing accurately. Only then, when you have the basics in place can you develop your style. It's the right way round, so many on here start the opposite way which doesn't work I'm afraid. It's always difficult to give advice on this gallery, particularly if one hasn't asked for it. From my aspect, a 'that's nice' comment ain't going to help anyone.

The hair looks good - lovely sketch.

You’ve done a super job of her hair David, I like the negative shading.

The hair's fine, David - Alan's advice is always good, too. Did you use that 1896 propelling pencil for this? (I used to sell antiques, hence the interest - just fascinates me that an item made just a year after my granddad was born is still being used to such effect today: but I know - I digress.)

I used a modern propelling pencil and a darker graphite stick. I like how that William Vale pencil sits in the hand, it has an amethyst in one end and is nicely balanced but some of the leads are really expensive for those old pencils (strange size leads) I have a couple of really nice Mordan ones, one is like a cannon and I bought it at auction, I knew what it was but nobody else had noticed it was a pencil (It wasn't described) or who made it... if it wasn't missing a bit it would be worth about £500 but then I have another pencil by Mordan which has the bit the other one is missing. I used to be a pawnbroker and like old bits and pieces but I just hold onto them for someone else to buy later,

Good drawing David.

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 pencil sketch from the same photo as my failed acrylic on copper experiment. It is impossible to do the beauty of this lady any justice, and this is a particularly beautiful photograph of her which I tried here to actually get the emotion of. I dislike drawing hair and am not much good at it but I think I got some of the shading right.

About the Artist
D Hillman

Inspired by an artist friend I came back to paint a bit at the end of 2017. At the moment I am enjoying it and maybe because I have the patience to look more than I once did I am finding it easier and more enjoyable to actually produce a likeness.

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