Acrylic study

Acrylic study

Very good. If I am permitted, from my lower perch, to make one comment...the rather nice use of 'nothingness' to create shape actually makes me see it as slightly unfinished. If the settee were to be coloured, even ever so slightly, it would highlight the nothingness of her blouse (oo er missus) and render the unfinishedness null and void.

I thought long and hard about either putting in the line or colouring the sofa... I figured the hair indicates the line enough (which was visible in my reference) and I like that your brain puts it in... I hadn't thought it would look unfinished which was not the desired effect so maybe a tint on the sofa is a good idea though I have tried to be minimalist, maybe she needs a bit more colour in the face too... thanks for the comment David.

My perch is even lower, but I think it's great.

Very interesting comments. Like it very much David.

I didn't pick up on DP's sense that this is unfinished. It's a study anyway, and I see from David's response it's minimalist. This requires us to fill in the bits the painter leaves out. That's working fine for me, for example, there's no line along the girl's back from her hair to her lower old gray matter happily filled that in (I only just noticed it's not there). In fact I think the sofa, girl's blouse and skirt work very well as minimalist. I think minimalism is much tougher to do than detailed work. But we all see things differently. Nice work David.

This works just fine, its good. Good observation young Perry

nice one

It has made an interesting design and is fine just as it is!. The red dress is spot-on, using the same red as her lipstick. I like it, I see it more as a poster somehow.

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 acrylic on paper

About the Artist
D Hillman

Inspired by an artist friend I came back to paint a bit at the end of 2017. At the moment I am enjoying it and maybe because I have the patience to look more than I once did I am finding it easier and more enjoyable to actually produce a likeness.

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