Engrossed in a book


Beautiful drawing

This is absolutely superb Christine, your pencil work is excellent.

Fine work, Christine.

This is a wonderful drawing and one to treasure

Such a sensitive drawing full of feeling Christine.

Lovely drawing Christine

Great comments. Thank you all !!

Love this. Another beauty Christine.

A class piece of work Christine

Hang on Studio Wall
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My granddaughter loves to look at books with her mum and has done since she was a baby. It’s something that I feel strongly should be part of every child’s day whatever their age. A3 pencil drawing

About the Artist
Christine Rogan

From a young age as long as I had pencil and paper to hand, I’ve been happy. I have dabbled mainly with watercolour and in an effort to become more proficient joined local art classes. However since retiring I’ve had the opportunity (and time!) to try different media, and discovered a love of…

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