Has it stopped raining yet?


Exquisitely drawn Christine and a moment well captured.

Really nice sketch

Beautifully done, I love the soft light on her face.

A beautifully sensitive drawing Christine

Oh that's a lovely sketch Christine, so well sketched!!

Every mother has seen this pose - lifts the spirit, thank you.

Thank you all for such encouraging comments. It was one of my photos that I felt I just had to have a go at capturing. The light on her face and hands was one of the features I tried hard to do- I’m so glad you felt I achieved it Lewis.

Another beauty Christine. Great use of tones and love the expression on her face.

Thanks Carolyn. I really enjoyed doing this one.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Waiting patiently to go outside! A4 pencil drawing.

About the Artist
Christine Rogan

From a young age as long as I had pencil and paper to hand, I’ve been happy. I have dabbled mainly with watercolour and in an effort to become more proficient joined local art classes. However since retiring I’ve had the opportunity (and time!) to try different media, and discovered a love of…

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