Children with mobile phone

Children with mobile phone

A lovely piece. The tonal values are subtle, as they should be for children, yet stil adequately defined. It's very well done.

Aren't they just gorgeous? Are they your children? Your portrayal is so sensitive - you have captured the moment entirely.I think coloured pencil is a very underrated medium. I have just been given a set of coloursoft and am finding painting/ drawing with them very different from my usual pastels.Your picture definitely says what can be done.

Btw are you Chris Turner - son of Peggy and Os? If so I presume these are your grandchildren. It would be an amazing coincidence. Sorry to ask on such an open site.

Great work! You have captured their expression so very well.

Thank you to all who commented on this picture. Judith, no I am a female Chris also Chrissie! Sorry to disappoint. This was a commission and of no relationship to me. I very often work in coloured pencils to do portraits of children as it is possible to obtain very soft skin tones. My favourite pencils are Karisma, but are no longer available so I have started to add Coloursoft to my collection. My only advice is to very gently build up layers and don't 'colour in' in a solid way. Shadows can be made up using various colours reflecting those used for the clothing. I hope that you like using them as much as me. I shall keep an eye out to see if you post some.

Oops. Sorry about that mistake. Thank you for your advice. My attempts at the moment are still just that, but we*ll see.

Lovely, Chris. I have used coloured pencil for botanical work only. I use Faber Castell and find them good. I have not tried any other subject though.

Hang on Studio Wall

I used coloured pencils for this portrait

About the Artist
Chrissie Turner

Chrissie Turner Chrissie came from an artistic background. Encouraged by her father, a talented amateur artist, she attended Harrow Art School in her early teen years. In 2006 Chrissie undertook a further Foundation course in Art and Design. She exhibits her work whenever she is able and has…

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