Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Another terrific and brilliant piece Chris like it bigly

Can't say I like you image although you paint well. The media has done a yeoman's job twisting and stirring the hate. That is certainly not Presidents Trump's idea. He wants to unite America and make it prosper again with equality for all. Not through government control and handouts. Unfortunately i t has been very divided with eight years of the last administration under President Obama. If you actually lived here, you would know that.

Hmm I think Mr Trump is a divisive character, not very bright and seems to make up policy on the hoof which is not just a worry for America, it is a conern for the World. Not sure we can blame the media for the offensive nonsence that comes out of this guys mouth. Anyway at least it has provoked a debate, I like to hear people passion for current affairs, so I thank you Paul for that. Have a great Easter!

You've summed him up Chris but I couldn't bear the guy anywhere near, even on a mug.

Au doing souvenirs of the next world war as well? Or will this surfice?

I hope you had a great Easter also Chris, thanks. Undeniably President Trump needs to leave more of his thoughts unsaid. He is also obviously not a politician, however he has selected some brilliant minds for his cabinet so time will tell. He is not a vacillator and is proving to be a strong leader. Although he lacks polish, he has a very high IQ and hopefully will become more of a statesman with time and good advisors. I am sure you hope the same thing for Prime minister May. We all want leaders we can appreciate that make decisions for the good of the country and its citizens.

Love the expression but wouldn't like to look at every day! Ta.

Donald certainly is a polarising figure, I guess I have sparked a debate and I think that can be a great bi-product of art. We are living in very interesting times, how I long for Spitting Image to return! In the meantime I will continue to draw the people who shape our lives for good or ill.

Very well painted but I also could not bear to have a souvenir of this dispicable person.Though on second thoughts maybe a Dart Board?

Good luck with them Chris.

thats the trouble with a lot of us brits we think we are superior somehow, most of us are full of sh*t.

Chris, Sylvia's idea of a dart board is a goer for me - any chance?

Hey I will look into the dartboard idea, it may have potential.... keep the ideas coming!

Hang on Studio Wall

I am marketing this image, printing on mugs, coasters, key rings mouse pads, etc let me know if anyone is interested in these products.

About the Artist
Chris Knapman

"Chris is a fabulous talent and a pleasure to work with. Its great to bat ideas about with Chris and he's always open to suggestions which is not common when dealing with an absolute master - of whom we are not worthy :)" Simon Davies CEO Yakatak - Inform. Unite. Excite! Chris is a highly…

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