Andrea Camilleri

Andrea Camilleri

Really interesting face.

Thank you Heather.

Very good Cesare. His spectacles are great and something I find so difficult to do.

Thank you Susan, I find too the glasses very hard to do.

Back on portraits again Cesare..... ?? A nice loose image.. Well done.

Thank you Guy, I find the portraits are my comfort zone, if maybe a bit boring for the viewers.

Super portrait Cesare, especially the addition of the age spots. The spectacles are also beautifully painted.

Un scrittore molto famoso, triste che è morto ieri. Ho letto il suo obituario (?) nel giornale oggi. Ho letto anche i sui libri, due in italiano/ siciliano, un po difficile ma ho capito la maggiore parte. Aspetto adesso Il morte di Montelbano perche Camilleri a detto che lo è già scritto. Un ritratto bravo Cesare.

Thank you Carole for your kind comment.

Grazie Marjorie. Dopo la morte di Camilleri, molti italiani saranno in lutto anche per la morte di Montalbano, forse come gli inglesi sono stati in lutto per la morte di Sherlock Holmes.

Such an interesting painting Cesare really strikes the emotions

Thank you Dennis and Maureen form your kind comments.

Beautiful portrait, Cesare.

Thanks so much, Ellen.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour 24 x 30 cm. A popular italian detective stories writer who died yesterday.

About the Artist
Cesare Romano

I am a retired psychiatrist and I started drawing portraits in my childhood. In adulthood I have tasted oil paints during a short period lacking in outcome, then I gave up painting. Since I am retired, I have started paint watercolour. I have attended courses and workshops of watercolour in Italy…

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