Box Hill Gate

Box Hill Gate

Great job with all that foliage, such a difficult task.

Such detail, glorious greens Caroline.

Love this, Caroline, such detail, wonderful!

Lovely work Caroline

This is so very atmospheric.

Amazing work!sensual

That’s really lovely

Very detailed work Caroline. Very atmospheric … is it Acrylic? Beautiful

Beautiful Greens. Lovely painting

Great work, Caroline.

Posted by Olga D. on Sun 29 Aug 11:43:26

Away from the hustle and bustle is what feel when I look at this Caroline, great stuff

Posted by Nate T on Mon 21 Mar 06:23:20

This is so enchanting. Love all the greens. Well done

Hang on Studio Wall

A view from the path at the top of Box Hill in Surrey (UK)

About the Artist
caroline harris

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