Study, acrylic on paper


Lovely sky - very effective.

Thank you David, I'm quite pleased with the effects I have obtained for once.

Nice menacing clouds , good colours.

Thank you Stephen.

Super, sad about the impact of mediums on your body.

Thanks very much Heather, I have used oils for about 25 years so perhaps it's an accumulation of effects, but better safe than sorry I think.

Love the mood you’ve captured with your painting Bryan, very evocative. Sorry hear of your intolerance, would you consider the water miscible oils. There are one or two artists on here that use them with excellent results….Marjorie Firth for one.

Thanks Fiona, I may give them a try but I think I will continue with the acrylics for a while and take a break from oils until the better weather and I can paint outside again. I noticed a few headaches last year and after a 6 week break experimenting with acrylics, I started to suffer the effects from the oils as soon as I set them out again on my palette.

Thank you Spencer I think big skies are my favourite thing to paint.

That’s such a shame Bryan, I hope you overcome the problem one way or the other. Just to say, I thought this was oils! Lol

Thanks Fiona, yes I think acrylics are so good today, I ask myself wether I really need wet oil paintings hanging around before I can add another layer Lol.

Has a lovely look of tranquility Bryan and just a little of anticipation too.

Thank you Chris, anticipation is always good I think.

Hang on Studio Wall

A master study of a painting by David Sharpe. Back to trying acrylics again as I seem to have developed an allergy to linseed oil. I have noticed a runny nose and headaches when I use the oils even though I only use walnut oil as a medium and no turps indoors. Oils will have to be an outside medium I think from now on.

About the Artist
Bryan Hammond

I have painted and drawn all my life and living in a rural area I am particularly drawn to the landscape. I work in oils, acrylics and digital illustration. I paint every day and will tackle any subject that inspires me. Best wishes for your own art journey.

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