He said "This is where I live"


A heartfelt and realistic subject, Bill and well painted.

Thanks Carol.

Posted by Bob Hill on Sat 29 Jul 15:13:36

Thank you Romila.

Posted by Bob Hill on Sat 29 Jul 19:10:28

Very powerful Bob. Your portfolio is very diverse, hats off to you!

Thank you Heather.

Posted by Bob Hill on Sun 30 Jul 08:05:07

It's well composed and balanced Bob. I would like to see the title scratch on that wall, it would really bring the message home.

Thanks John - good idea, I should have thought of that!

Posted by Bob Hill on Sun 30 Jul 16:46:58

Thank you Spencer.

Posted by Bob Hill on Sun 30 Jul 21:55:35
Hang on Studio Wall

From the streets of Brighton... watercolour sketch in A5 sketchbook.

About the Artist
Bob Hill

I paint anything urban, rural, industrial or coastal that interests me - mostly in watercolour at the moment. Before moving to painting, my main experience of visual art was via photography, so I tend to view things with a photographic bias! I'm not selling anything, I just paint for fun and theā€¦

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