Dell Quay

Dell Quay

You have made a lovely job of it. A lovely painting Barry.

Thank you David the real test will come when I show it to Steve probably next week!!!

Really beautiful, love the light and shadows Barry.

Lively, fresh work Barry.

Thanks to Carole and Stephen much appreciated.

That, Barry, is a Wesson sky! Superbly painted watercolour.

All looks good to me Barry, tonal values are good. What a cracking composition as well.

Nice work Barrry. Sets the scene nicely..

Great Barry, lovely light, really like this one.

I think you did a super job on this painting Barry.

Thanks to Fiona, I am chuffed that you think it’s a Wesson sky and Alan, Jim, Brian and Paula, for your comments.

Lovely sense of light coming through from the boat and plenty of atmosphere.

Thank you Linda I would be in trouble with Steve if I didn’t get the light in the picture!!!

This one works really well. The perspective draws the viewer into the scene and the masts make the sky really big. One of your best, I would say.

Posted by T H on Mon 30 Oct 19:38:35

Thank you Timothy and Maureen it’s a painting I enjoyed doing and hopefully it shows.

Beautiful painting Barry, good light and shadows.

Looks great Barry!

Thank you Cesare and Karen.

Hang on Studio Wall

Having woken up early this morning I decided to have a read of Steve Hall’s latest book and I came upon a photo of this scene before going to look at how Steve had painted it I decided to do my own version first. Luckily I have a daylight lamp which meant I didn’t have to wait for the light. I did a loose sketch which when I was satisfied I transferred to my watercolour paper. I worked in a free and loose style trying to get expressive brush strokes as I know that’s what Steve would have done. Probably could have done with a little more contrasts on the main boat but overall pleased and afterI compared it with Steve’s I felt I had done a reasonable job.

About the Artist
Barry Hulme

I started painting in 2004, I am influenced by Wesson, Seago and many of the great masters, more recently I enjoy the work of Steve Hall, John Hoar and Alvaro Castignet to name but a few. I paint in a loose style and try to simplify as I can. The medium I enjoy most is watercolour but dabble with…

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