A Wet Morning In Bath


I like this a lot Barry, has a real wet feel to it!

Great atmosphere and use of pen and ink. So much interest in this painting Barry.

which ever one - it worked well and you certainly captured the wet look

Lovely image ... I like the wetness!

A great sense of the damp and wet Barry......like your pen work.

I really like this, I agree that you have really captured the wetness well.

Many thanks to you all when you have enjoyed the process and created a piece of work you like it is so gratifying when others give positive feedback.

Well done Barry ,you have cracked it. Love it.

That’s excellent, love the sense of rain and dampness. Great effects

Excellent piece, Barry. So evocative. The reflections really bring the piece to life.

Hang on Studio Wall
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A bit of experimentation an ink and wash on Bristol board. Found I used my uni ball pen most as my matchstick slid about a bit on the surface.

About the Artist
Barry Hulme

I started painting in 2004, I am influenced by Wesson, Seago and many of the great masters, more recently I enjoy the work of Steve Hall, John Hoar and Alvaro Castignet to name but a few. I paint in a loose style and try to simplify as I can. The medium I enjoy most is watercolour but dabble with…

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