The Albatross Wells Next the Sea

The Albatross Wells Next the Sea

An ambitious en plein air scene Barry but you have done well and doubtless learned from the experience. I like the strength being in the focal point, perhaps the nearer buildings in the background could br strengthened a little to give variety?

Lovely, painting Barry. Especially as it was en plein and spontaneous .

I think it's super Barry!

Been here a couple of months back. You've caught it beautifully. With a success like this I agree its difficult to replicate in the studio.

Very lovely fresh watercolour, Barry.

Two great watercolour paintings, Barry, portraying the scenes beautifully. Makes me feel I'm there.

Very fine work - I wish I could loosen up like this. Great colour scheme too with the touches of red

There is light in it, the most detailled objects are the ships, am I right?

Posted by Holger . on Fri 09 Sep 21:03:51
Hang on Studio Wall

Painting at Wells next the Sea in Norfolk yesterday and had the courage to paint a scene I had looked at many times. Painted on Arches 140 not half imperial. As always when painting en plein air it is easy to find faults but I'm glad I have given it a go and hope to do a more considered studio version later. However that probably won't be as good as it will lack spontaneity of the moment.

About the Artist
Barry Hulme

I started painting in 2004, I am influenced by Wesson, Seago and many of the great masters, more recently I enjoy the work of Steve Hall, John Hoar and Alvaro Castignet to name but a few. I paint in a loose style and try to simplify as I can. The medium I enjoy most is watercolour but dabble with…

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