Canal at Bathampton 2

Canal at Bathampton 2

Your watercolour is great Barry you should do more oils too. Full with light and Colour

Thank you Dennis, although the oil takes longer the benefit of being able to correct mistakes is a definite bonus. After doing two copies of Seago paintings I am encouraged to do more in my own work.

I walked along that tow path in the days when I lived near Bristol and worked in Bath. This is lovely.

Beautiful painting, Barry. You have a great style both in watercolours and in oils.

It's a nice painting Barry I think it would be even nicer if you simplify the trees do them like a block , I hope you don't mind my suggestions , I mean well . I like all your work Barry. What are those water soluble oils like Barry and do they smell.

Very nice indeed Barry, lovely colours in this oil painting

This is great Barry.

Your oil work is just as good as your watercolour's Barry. I struggle more with oils.

Thank you all for your comments. Take your point Dennis it's the area of the painting I like least, I was thinking that changing the colour temperature could help the separation of the two banks of trees but your suggestion warrants consideration. I have to use water mixable oils due to asthma they are similar to traditional oils and easy to use and very little smell. However, I do miss the effect of that initial turpsy wash.

Thanks Barry for info much appreciated

This could persuade me to try water soluble oils as a change form acrylics/

It's worth a try Tony, I think most of the manufacturers produce a starter set which keeps the cost of trying them out down.

Beautiful oil painting Barry,the warmth is very inviting, wish I was there.

Thank you Carole, it was a lovely day when I took the source photo.

It's a lovely painting, Barry well worth revisiting.

Thank you Willie, I tend to be an impatient painter and like the immediate impact of watercolour, perhaps I should paint with oils more often. Having said that this in 70cm x 50cm and was completed in about seven hours.

Hang on Studio Wall

Ever since I did a watercolour of this scene I had promised myself that I would paint it in oils. Well at last I had a free day yesterday and set about the task painted on canvas with Artisan water mixable oils size 70cm x 50cm.

About the Artist
Barry Hulme

I started painting in 2004, I am influenced by Wesson, Seago and many of the great masters, more recently I enjoy the work of Steve Hall, John Hoar and Alvaro Castignet to name but a few. I paint in a loose style and try to simplify as I can. The medium I enjoy most is watercolour but dabble with…

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