mallard duckling


That’s a smashing little drawing Barry.

thank you Fiona, but I still need to improve my photography!’s not so bad Barry. Have you tried taking the photo in natural daylight, not in sunshine though. I put mine on the windowsill, it’s a low windowsill so I don’t have to climb a ladder to take the photo! A bit of cropping here and there, job done. It’s still a very good drawing all the same.

Lovely drawing and you have really captured the downy feathers

Hang on Studio Wall

4b pencil and blending stub

About the Artist
Barry Prosser

Chairperson of Lee on Solent art group and member for many years. Artisan at Hobbycraft stores in Havant and Southampton. Mentor to a small art group in Stubbington, Hants. Served in Royal Navy from 1955 to 1970. Involved in motorsport in various forms and various roles as both participant and…

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