Parking Forbidden.

Parking Forbidden.

Love the graffiti and the rotting gauze window so expertly portrayed as always Avril.

So many happenings and so many memories that this abandoned window brings back to mind, not from Sicily but from Southern France where there's plenty of these to be admired. Fantastic painting Avril, the queen of rust and peeling paint.

I totally agree with the above, Avril: glad to see our 'queen of rust and peeling paint' back on POL. Beautiful scenery.

Thank you Gudrun, Carole, Satu and Mia for your appreciative comments. I'm not too sure about this one - feel it's a bit too "busy" !!

Not too busy at all, Avril. You've captured the feel of the place beautifully, and only you could make graffiti and rust look so appealing!

Hang on Studio Wall

A watercolour from a personal photo taken in Cefalu, Sicily. 47 x 32,5cm on The Langton Prestige.

About the Artist
Avril Soldani

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