Osterley Park and House

Osterley  Park and House

Did you see me there??? A regular childhood haunt, as a horse mad child there were horses in the field you depicted on the left, and the railings look exactly the same ones I used to gaze over. Next stop on from Boston Manor is Osterley Park!!! This is a great sketch, Seth. I love it

Wonderful alive sketch Seth.

Once more you have caught it just right.

Some good sketching Seth, not a straight line in sight! Great.

Hang on Studio Wall

Quick sketch today on first National Trust visit of the year. Seth Dalton

About the Artist
Seth Dalton

I’ve posted over 50 paintings and thanks to the marvellous, helpful comments I’ve received from fellow artists , I feel I’m improving as I go. Great site and great people. Thanks for all your help.

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