Winter Fox-love

Winter Fox-love

Beautiful winter scene Margaret.

These are "my" two foxes that I call Fred and Freda. They are a mated pair of gorgeous wild foxes who visit my garden every evening around 6pm and wait for me to give them their supper - or in their case I suppose it's breakfast as they are nocturnal ! Fred is very tame and friendly and will actuslly come right up to me and, on one or two occasions he has actually taken food from my hand. Freda is more shy and timid and hangs back a bit. They are a delight.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Two foxes in a snowy woodland.

About the Artist
Margaret Ellis

A professional artist and art tutor. Also a Prifessional Associate and demonstrator for the SAA. Lives in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, on the edge of the Peak District National Park.

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