House finch with young.


A stunning drawing, Linda. Love the muted color, and the fact that each bird seems to be an individual (not explaining that very well).

Excellent painting Linda, the colours on the male is great and st off by the others being left as drawn.

Gorgeous, Linda, love the way you’ve kept the colour to a minimum. We’ve got a pair of robins nesting in the ivy opposite our kitchen window, looking forward to seeing their little ones soon.

Excellent Linda. Great understated colour.

Beautiful, Linda! What a wonderful present for your friend.

Thank you Lew, yes I know what you mean they all seem to have a different attitude!! Paul thank you for such kind comments, thank you Jenny, how lucky to have Robins so close to the house, many thanks Richard, as I said I wanted to keep the main focus on the male bird with just a hint of colour in the young ones and thank you Margaret, he gets one almost every year if not a painting then its usually a card!!!

Beautifully sensitive and you’ve given each bird an individual personality. The male bird looks so proud of the brood Linda.

Utterly gorgeous Linda...

Knock-out. I love the colour just where it should be, what a great drawing

Love these; brilliant drawn and all have their own 'character'.

Beautifully drawn gathering, Linda. As you know, I have an affinity with our feathered friends, so this one caught my eye immediately. Bri

Carole, Sylvia, Heather, Dorothea and Bri, thank you all so much for your lovely comments.

Hang on Studio Wall
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A mixed media painting in Inkbrush pens, graphite pencil and uni pen. I wanted the male bird to really stand out with his gorgeous red plumage so decided to leave the young birds in graphite pencil with just a hint of colour in the under plumage. This is for our friend Gary's birthday on the 17th, hence the advanced date on my painting!! He's an avid bird fancier so hope he likes it.

About the Artist
Linda Drury

I was born in North Yorkshire and attended The Middlesbrough College of Art at the age of 15 studying fashion drawing and design. I have always loved painting and drawing, mostly watercolours but more recently working in mixed media. I am now in my 70s and living in North Nottingham where I still…

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