
As always a beautiful painting, just love the feeling and atmosphere you achieve with your colour palette and composition

Stunning painting and a very romantic pose...love the hair on both sitters/standers and the jewel in the belly button...the hands are beautiful as always Alan an exquisite painting

Brilliantly executed work, with plenty of lost and found edges adding to the impact and realism. I do wonder how many years of conditioning it's taken, and how I'll ever overcome it, to cause my initial "ooh-er, is it smut?" response... Do you get a lot of that, or is it just me, stuck in my time-warp?

Brilliant work Alan ! how big is it ?

Thanks each. It's not perfect by any stretch but I think I've raised my game a bit with this one. Beatrice: It's about 50cm tall. Robert: "oo-er" as in Dick Emery, "smut" as in Mary Whitehouse. I think that sets the time zone. I get the occasional bad review and the odd 'tut' but they are very rare. All of my offerings have been bought by or for women so smut it aint (IMHO).

"tut" muttered by beginners may be with no art knowledge of the nude....

Hi Alan I missed this stunning exquisitely executed study. You have certainly found your niche in this style of modern art. Very attractive, very appealing, very tasteful...I for one definitely and unreservedly like it.

Thanks Phil. Always appreciated. I seem to have carved out a little corner. Now to make it bigger! Thanks Jeanette. They wanted a picture to hang in their lounge. Hence the modest but innocent pose.

Hang on Studio Wall

Pastel on Murano Paper. A commission reproduced by kind permission of the 'sitters' (standers?)

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Alan Stevens

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