Blue on Blue 1

Blue on Blue 1

Enormously skillful work, to achieve this with just two colours and blue paper: it ought to be cold, but it isn't at all. It may not be the most immediately obvious feature to everyone, but the necklet is superbly done (as is the cloth).

Thanks Robert. You spotted it. This is stage 1 of my new regime. the earing, necklace and cushion (cloth) were all added after. I am moving towards more complete images. I think I missed a trick here. I should have had a sheet pulled up high covering the breast and her hand holding the sheet. I'll be reproducing this image with my next model to do just that.

Fantastic piece of work in form and shadow.....almost classical. Seriously good.

another exquisite piece alan. you are so skillful. excellent.

Amazing work. Can't think of anything else to say- just amazing.

Alan - I don't have the right words to describe what I see - it brings joy and calmness to the viewer especially the blue toned one...I love it. Post us about the exhibition and how it went....good luck. Anita

Heartfelt thanks each. I've been stagnant for a while through an absence of models. I now have two professionals lined up and a commission for a couple (that'll be challenging!). That's this year sorted.

Cracking Alan... I really must have a go at some figurative stuff.... wouldn't look anywhere near as good as these though.... and I'm not sure I'd get away with the subject matter in my house ;)

What can I say for once I'm speechless exquisite...I agree with all of the above...the necklace and earrings just wonderful as is the cushion...I particularly like the head profile so peaceful and a beautiful face

"Cracking Alan... I really must have a go at some figurative stuff.... .... and I'm not sure I'd get away with the subject matter in my house ;)" Try doing all the cooking, cleaning, gardening, paying huge compliments, telling her that her bum doesn't look big. Rack up the brownie points. It's a small price to pay for art.

Yep she's a beauty Patsy. She makes it easy for me. She could sleep for England so this is a natural pose for her.

Very interesting painting on a blueish shade. Light and shade very effective. You are an expert on this subject! :)

If only that were true. I think it's because of me that the East Riding reaches its recycling quota.

Really professional looking pictures, makes the rest of us feel like giving up. Like some other artist though, I dare not suggest paintings like these as my wife knows where the keys to the gun cupboard are.

Thanks John, like most things it's a case of practising. It's taken me four years to get here. Hide the keys??

Alan, this is superb work, I don't know how I missed but I had work goes through so quickly. The pose, necklace everything about this painting is excellent. Smashing pastel work. PS thank you for your comment on A Taste of Summer much appreciated at least it as sent me back to take another look at your gallery - thank you.

No Jeanette, thank you!

Wonderful use of limited colours, tonal range, light, moulding of Forman composition on the page!

Hang on Studio Wall
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Sky blue pastel and white conte on dark blue Murano Paper

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Alan Stevens

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