Venetian Invention

Venetian Invention

I like this watercolour - very well executed. You say there are a few things you are not happy with. The only thing that I can see is perhaps the sky is a little 'stormy' looking. Looking at your other watercolours (which are all beautiful) the skies have really created atmosphere. Perhaps this just needs the sky a little calmer - it depends on what effect you are aiming for. Having said that, I can't really see anything wrong with it - I wish I could paint watercolours like this!!

Sorry for the late reply Gillian. Many thanks for your comments. As luck would have it I popped it into a mount and someone bought it from me a few weeks back. I think it's one of those paintings that grows on you and it was (as they always are) much better in a mount.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is a painting I did today but there is a few things that I am not happy with, what do you think?

About the Artist
Alan Pedder

Self taught watercolour artist member of The Altrincham Society of artists and the Blackburn Society of Artists. Favourite artist Edward Seago from the same county as Alans mother, Norfolk. Visitors welcome to my small studio and gallery by appointment to talk, view or buy even. Mobile:…

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